
Monday, December 19, 2016

Birth Shaming

No matter where you go, everyone who sees you are pregnant has their story to tell you about how amazing or horrifying their birthing experience was. The first time around this was super odd to me but didn't really bother me that much. Now after I have had my first son via C-Section, I find that more often than not when people tell me their birthing stories, about how "beautiful and natural" their experience was and then ask me about mine with my son, and they find out it was a CS they start "birth shaming" me.

Seriously, what the heck. I am all for going it the natural way, and if you want to do it with no epidural or anything else then- damn props to you with a high five, and a party dance. I didn't do it that way, but my experience was pretty dang awesome, and my child was happy and very healthy.... so can someone tell me what I should be shamed for?

While it was not really a choice for me to have a CS the first time, he was breech, this time it is - and I agreed to schedule it the same way - and I am sooo okay with that. I am baffled to why people think they can try to shame me because of how I am having my child. You did not carry this child for 9 months, you are not planning on raising it sooo go fly a kite. Again, I am super proud of my friends who have had their children naturally, you are amazing and I can't speak enough about how awesome I think you are, but that is not how I had my son, or how I plan on having this one... soooo why do people think their rant to me in the line at the post office about how I am less of a good parent for having a CS is going to change my decision...

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