
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Update and advice

for writing a blog... nothing else!

Once again mom life has taken over and i have been left falling behind some things,  this blog being one. So here we go....

Still doing Orange Theory and working out on my own in my spare time... I am officially down 20 lbs since March and am psyched to lose the rest.

the newest edition has started daycare which means .... the dreaded germs!!! yes he has his first stomach bug. bleh. Which made me think of things no one told me the first time that i should have remembered the second time... hopefully this will help someone else.

Yes your child is in day care, now that you can work full time without worrying about things remember you will need those days off cause your kids about to get sick. When I say sick I simply mean, the lil one is now being exposed to germs they previously weren't acquainted with so naturally this won't go well ... for anyone. In preparation remember to do the following...

  1. find a diaper rash cream that works for your kid. Some people swear by the Butt Paste, but my lil guy does best with Aquaphor / CeraVe combo. 
  2. always have Pedialyte on hand incase you are worried about dehydration with regards to how much fluid your lil one is not retaining ... in what ever way you want to take that.
  3. if you have more than one child, please don't be mad when I say this, divide and conquer. It may seem unfair but only one parent should care for the ill child and the other take care of everyone else. the reason for this is simple. I can almost guarantee that whoever is taking care of the sick kid will get whatever they have and its easier to have one sick kid and later an adult than the WHOLE house getting it.
  4. lysol... or Clorox... whatever you use to disinfect, USE IT. 
  5. I hate to Tylenol my kids or give them any medicine really unless absolutely necessary but if it will help them, do it because if you are not simply because you think you can make it through... that is a lot of just thinking bout yourself. 
  6. finally the advice that I hate the most... Nap when the kid does. I know this is what they tell you when you first have a kid and from an outside perspective it sounds nice but you are telling yourself... oh then I guess I will clean when the baby cleans .. right? but seriously. You are going to be exhausted from taking care of a fussy child.. whether its your infant or your eldest, so just take the ten minute nap or if you are lucky longer. Because you won't get better either if you don't rest. Theres stuff to clean? Cool, do it after the nap it will still be there.
  7. Last but not least  wash your hands!!! simple but still ...
So thats it. Good luck on forging ahead. be prepared, be aware, and just be ready to have it tough for a couple days till you make it through to the other side. Remember "if you're going through hell, keep  on moving"

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